对于父母Tips & Tricks

正如我们之前谈过的那样,它非常重要educate others about cochlear implants。但是,如果是您的孩子,或者将收到的孩子,那个耳蜗植入物这些“其他”可能是您自己的家庭中的:您孩子的兄弟姐妹。当然,我们知道这可能是一个充满挑战的时间,所以这里有一些信息可以与他或她的兄弟姐妹分享。无论是之前,期间还是姐姐在兄弟或姐妹接受了耳蜗植入之前,使用这些信息使您更容易解释发生的事情并帮助回答他们可能会问的问题。



Regardless of whether or not your child was born with or developed their hearing loss, the best thing that you can do for your other children is to be open with them: explain what’s happening in age-appropriate ways, answer their questions, and work to include them in their sibling’s hearing journey.

一开始的好地方是简单地解释听力损失是什么,他们的兄弟或姐妹有听力损失。让他们知道他们的兄弟或姐妹将无法听到某种声音或了解某些声音,他们还没有选择忽略声音。如果他或她的兄弟姐妹仍然年轻,你可能想用一个cartoon book that explains hearing loss那or if they’re a little older it might be better to show them a视频解释听力损失



When it’s time for your child to receive a cochlear implant, give your children a rough outline of what will happen over the next days, months, and years. Tell them that their sibling is having this surgery so that they can hear sounds, and just like explaining hearing loss you can use漫画or视频取决于您的孩子的年龄。


After the Implantation: Involve Them

After your child has received his or her cochlear implant, and had第一个拟合现在是时候让兄弟姐妹真正参与他们的兄弟或姐妹的听力之旅了。当然,您的孩子将参观康复专家,因此请向专家询问兄弟姐妹可能参与该过程的方式。这样,您可以帮助他们了解他们在兄弟姐妹的发展中提供了一些东西。


Sometimes their sibling might not understand them, and it’s important they don’t think this is because their sibling is being rude or ignoring them. Start by letting them know that their sibling will understand sounds differently from them, and that this will change with time.


And if you have any questions of your own, don’t hesitate to ask your child’s audiologist orMed-El代表

这篇文章是写Shabnam援助Fathima, a clinical specialist who focuses on cochlear implant rehabilitation.

